European Studies and Language Services Ltd

Free webinars on study medicine in Europe

A series of free webinars to enhance your experience in studying abroad with us. Do not miss the opportunity to acquire insights about the best way to secure your place at one of Europes medical universities.

Get informed about your academic future. Do not miss the opportunity.  In general, medicine is a rewarding field of studies in terms of job satisfaction and career challenges. Our webinars aim to raise awarness of potential opportunities and country related challenges.

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Webinar Registration


The webinars are desiged to take you through a number of relevant issues related to your studies abroad. Such issues will cover amongst others, thhe country decision challenges, the choice of medical universities available and the possibility to get accepted, the way documents should be prepared and presented to various universities, the entry exam preparation, tuition fees, and accommodation related matters.

Your host

The webinars will be hossted by Georges Pascalidis.  Your host has 35 years experience in advising people to study abroad. A number of guests will be also invited either to present their own experience or present their medical faculties.


The webinars are devided into two main parts. The first section that lasts approximatelly 30 to 35 minutes looks at the various issues facing the adventure and opportunities for studying abroad. The second part is devoted to the participants asking any questions they wish to ask.